The Hidden 20%
There comes a moment in everyone’s life when we reach a point where we feel utterly exhausted emotionally, mentally, and physically. We look at ourselves in the mirror, questioning if we can go any further, if we have given it our all. We convince ourselves that we have reached our limit. But what if I told you that at that very moment, when you believe you’ve given 100%, you’ve actually only scratched the surface? In reality, you’ve only given about 80%, and there’s still 20% more waiting to be tapped into.
Our personal limits aren’t as concrete as we believe. They’re more like elastic bands. We stretch them and stretch them until we feel resistance, and then we often stop, fearing we might snap. But the magic happens when we push a little further beyond that point of resistance, when we step into discomfort, and when we test the elasticity of our boundaries. It’s in this extra 20% that transformation happens. It’s where we redefine how we see ourselves and begin to change the lenses through which we view our potential.
The first time I heard the idea that when you think you’ve given 100%, you’ve only given 80%, it felt counterintuitive. How could that be? After all, when I’ve poured my energy into a goal, pushed through obstacles, and faced my fears head-on, surely that’s the peak of my effort, right? It turns out that this belief is an illusion. Our minds are incredibly adept at tricking us into stopping just short of true growth.
Think about the moments when you’ve run a race or been engrossed in a workout. As you near the end, your body starts sending signals, fatigue sets in, muscles burn, and your breath becomes shallow. Your mind starts whispering, “That’s it, you’ve done enough. Time to stop.” And so, many of us do. We coast to the finish line, satisfied that we’ve given everything. But in reality, this is where the mind protects us from discomfort, shielding us from pushing into that final 20%.
This same principle applies beyond physical endeavors. When we pursue personal growth, whether it’s in relationships, careers, or learning new skills our minds often create barriers. We rationalize why we should stop, why we’ve done enough, and why we should remain in our comfort zone. The truth, however, is that our comfort zone is merely a self-imposed boundary. And pushing through it is where real change occurs.
Pushing your personal limits is like climbing a steep mountain. As you ascend, the air becomes thinner, your legs grow heavy, and your mind starts to rebel against the strain. You might convince yourself that reaching a plateau is good enough, that you’ve climbed far enough, and you don’t need to go to the peak. But those who push through that final, grueling 20% are the ones who experience the view from the top. And let me tell you, once you reach the summit, the view of yourself changes.
When we challenge ourselves beyond perceived limits, we shatter old beliefs about who we are. Our internal lenses begin to shift. Instead of seeing ourselves as someone who gives up when things get hard, we begin to view ourselves as someone who perseveres, who can thrive in discomfort, and who grows stronger with every challenge. This altered perspective unlocks a profound truth: the only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves.
This doesn’t mean that pushing your limits is easy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It requires mental toughness, resilience, and a willingness to embrace discomfort. But what it offers in return is invaluable: a new sense of self that is no longer confined by fear, doubt, or insecurity. You begin to see yourself through a lens of strength, capability, and confidence.
One of the most powerful ways to change the way you see yourself is to challenge your assumptions about your limits. These assumptions are often rooted in past experiences, failures, or societal expectations. They’re like smudges on a lens that cloud your vision. To clear that lens, you must confront these assumptions head-on.
Ask yourself, “Where have I been stopping short?” What goals or dreams have you pursued but backed away from because they seemed too daunting? Where have you accepted that you’ve done “enough” instead of asking, “What more can I give?” These questions will help you identify the areas of your life where you’ve only been giving 80%.
Once you recognize these areas, it’s time to take action. The key to pushing beyond your limits is to start small. Choose one area where you feel you’ve hit a plateau. Maybe it’s in your fitness routine, your career, or your relationships. Push yourself a little further in that area each day. If you usually run two miles, try for two and a half. If you’ve been staying in your comfort zone at work, take on a challenging project that scares you. If you’ve been holding back emotionally in a relationship, allow yourself to be more vulnerable.
Each time you push a little further, you chip away at the old lens through which you’ve been seeing yourself. The smudges clear, and the reflection staring back at you becomes sharper, more defined, and more authentic. You start to realize that your limits were never real, they were just stories you told yourself.
The hidden 20% that remains when you think you’ve given your all is a treasure trove of untapped potential. It’s where breakthroughs happen, where you stretch beyond who you thought you were, and where you uncover strengths you didn’t know you had. It’s the space where you discover resilience, grit, and a new understanding of yourself.
When you reach for that final 20%, you begin to view setbacks and challenges differently. They are no longer insurmountable obstacles but stepping stones to growth. The lenses through which you view yourself and the world around you shift, offering a new perspective filled with possibility rather than limitation.
This shift in perspective creates a ripple effect in your life. As you push your limits and grow beyond them, your confidence soars. You start to approach new challenges with a sense of curiosity and excitement rather than fear. You realize that you are capable of far more than you ever imagined. And most importantly, you begin to trust in your ability to adapt, grow, and thrive in any situation.
To change the way you see yourself, you must be willing to push beyond what you believe is possible. That extra 20% is where the magic happens. It’s where you redefine your limits and unlock your true potential. It’s where you change the lens through which you view yourself, transforming your reflection from one of limitation to one of possibility.
The next time you feel like you’ve given your all, remember: there’s always more in the tank. That extra push, that final effort, will take you to new heights and reveal a version of yourself that is stronger, braver, and more capable than you ever imagined. And once you’ve seen yourself in that light, you’ll never view yourself the same way again.
By Rebecca O’Rourke CH
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Here’s to a year, and a lifetime guided by love.