Tossing and turning in bed for hours laying awake can feel like madness for some people. Whether the problem is falling asleep or staying asleep, having a sleep issue can destroy a person’s life. Laying there as your entire day reruns in your mind can seem like a small form of torture. Wanting to sleep but being unable to turn off the constant chatter and noise in your mind can feel like the ultimate frustration. It can feel that way because we all know how important sleep is to our overall health and wellbeing.

For some of our clients falling asleep isn’t the issue, it’s staying asleep. We have some clients that have set this internal alarm clock that wakes them up in the night and they toss and turn for the remainder of the night trying desperately to fall back asleep. Our clients have reported getting out of bed and trying many things to help them get tired again. Have you ever heard of a warm glass of milk to make you sleepy? Most have, but how about working out at 3am to try and exhaust yourself enough to fall back asleep? We have heard all kinds of wacky stories from clients desperate to get a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is essential to healing, having the energy you need to sustain your day, and to stay in a resourceful state of mind so that you can have the patience and clarity to handle challenges and responsibility. In fact between 33 and 50 percent of all Americans have insomnia or have difficulty getting the sleep they need.

One solution to help with sleep that can end up causing more problems in the long run is sleeping pills. The medication can help once you find the right one and the right dosage for you. However, getting that all sorted out can cause a spiral effect of other problems like not being able to wake up in time for work or other responsibilities among other things. Medication has side effects, so there are many unpleasant downsides to taking sleep medication. Some of them include constipation, diarrhea, heartburn or stomach pain, dizziness or difficulty balancing, loss of concentration or memory problems, uncontrollable shaking, loss of appetite, burning or tingling in the joints, and more. Why not try a natural approach before putting your body through all of that?

Sleep Hypnosis is safe, natural and has helped so many people learn how to induce their own sleep. All hypnosis is self hypnosis! We can teach you how to flip the sleep switch and get your life back!


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