Imagine you have worked for years and finally made it to the moment of the big game or the big test. All of that sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears poured into this one moment! The pressure feels unbearable. Leading up to the big day, you try and do everything right down to the detail. Eat, sleep, practice etc. The what if’s….. running through your head. It can seem paralyzing as you get weighed down with fear and hear the worst possible cases running through your head. The more you think about it the worse it gets but you can’t stop thinking about it?

What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could just do really well without all of that added pressure. What if you could access the most resourceful state of mind so that it was the right amount of pressure, no more and no less.

For our academic program it is often we need to help students take some pressure off so their nervous system can function at its best. There is a lot to be said about just taking the actions to prepare yourself like sleep, nutrition and practice. However studies show that when we can take that negative self-talk and excess pressure away we can perform the best.

For our sports improvement clients it is a resourceful zone that is optimal for the activity. Most sports need you to be at the top of your senses. The nervous system can be triggered for maximum speed and endurance. There is a sweet spot! We help anchor the zone where the senses are at their peak yet not over stressed to the point of capping off. 

That zone or sweet spot has helped many famous athletes achieve their titles. Like; Wayne Gretzky, Sydney Crosby, Lance Armstrong, Mohammed Ali, Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus who shared that “the hypnotherapy and visualization techniques were the sole reason for his improved concentration.” This is only to name a few.

Get out of your head and get into the zone! See yourself performing better than you ever did before. You know when the crowd is screaming your name or when you get to walk across that stage and receive a diploma beaming with gratitude for that moment, it will all be worthwhile.


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